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NOM to keep wasting money on Ron Paul in NH; Paul still leading their beloved Santorum

by Jeremy Hooper
Manchester, NH – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today announced that it is mounting a $50,000 independent expenditure effort in New Hampshire to educate state voters about Ron Paul's "unacceptable" position on marriage.
The National Organization for Marriage Continues Campaign in New Hampshire Opposing Ron Paul's Position on Marriage [NOM]

The org. spent nearly $90k in Iowa on this same effort, where Paul still managed to nab 20% of the evangelical vote (behind only Santorum, according to entrance polls). So okay, whatever -- if they want to spend $150k of their seemingly endless cash wells on this, an oddly negative campaign that would seem to only strengthen Paul's argument for running a third party libertarian bid (i.e. ensuring an Obama victory), then who I am to stop them?

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