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'Romney is pro-gay-rights': A myth I don't mind them spinning
Brian Camenker is considered a fringe figure by most. However, he's also prominently featured in the most recent anti-gay hit piece from the conserva-respected Family Research Council, so clearly he still has some sense of connection to the modern GOP.
That makes this, Brian's ongoing attempts to cripple the GOP's frontrunner, worth noting. From One News Now:
Camenker says it is very troubling that Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, has stances on homosexual issues that fall way outside the Republican mainstream.
"Social conservatives had better open up their eyes because Mitt Romney is basically more left-wing than just about any Democrat before Barack Obama has been," he laments. "And [he's] certainly more left-wing on these issues than any Republican who has ever run for president, it seems to me."
Activist: Romney far left on 'gay' agenda [ONN]
I love it. Let them dislike Romney, suppressing the "pro-family" vote. Let them slight him, cutting off whatever access the religious right have had under a theoretical Romney presidency. Let them attack his record, proving how even the lightest level of LGBT support (the only level Romney has really ever shown and certainly all he shows now) is a non-starter for the far-right. Let them frame even the most basic level of tolerance as "radical," going against the natural trend of a rapidly changing nation.
While they're doing all this, we'll show who's really in the mainstream of America. We'll get to our day of peace even quicker than we would've otherwise.