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The once (and future?) Speaker

by Jeremy Hooper

The Advocate's Andrew Harmon has an interesting cover story on a very powerful figure, both in Congress and LGBT advocacy. Go take a quick read:

Cover 1055X135SNIP: And yet the raft of rhetoric during the presidential primary campaign slog — the anti-gay marriage pledges, the "strengthening the family" talking points — is the real window into the soul of the GOP, Pelosi says. And no surprise, she's not surprised by what she sees. "It's pretty self-evident. This is who they are," she says of Republicans. "Are they so bankrupt of ideas that they have to continue the DOMA cases?"

Criticism of Barney Frank from gay Republicans especially sets her off. "Oh, but what about them?" she snaps. "He chooses a party that supports his values. They've chosen a party that supports their income — a party that denigrates them and treats them with disrespect."

FULL: The World According to Nancy Pelosi [Advocate]

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