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'Times' reports on Santorum, Gallagher, Opus Dei school
Not sure if I'm the impetus for this, considering it was nowhere on the Internet at the time that I discovered it. But nevertheless, you should know that the New York Times is now reporting on the fact that Rick Santorum sends his kids to an Opus Dei-affiliated school:
Although he has made being a home-schooling dad part of his identity, the Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has sent two sons to The Heights. The school, for boys in grades 3-12, has also educated the sons of the Republican senators Mel Martinez and Chuck Hagel; the former F.B.I. director Louis J. Freeh; Maggie Gallagher, founder of the National Organization for Marriage; and Kate O’Beirne, an editor at National Review.
FULL: Boys’ School Affiliated With Catholic Group Draws Conservatives in Washington [NYT]