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Video: MN for Marriage launches newscast; boring for now, but poss. worth parodying later

by Jeremy Hooper

With our anchor, local "pro-life" activist Kalley Yanta:

It's all part of their attempt to position their campaign as the "nice", "positive" one. They're trying to get stuff like this out there early in order to mask the years of animus-driven work that groups like the Minnesota Family Council have already put on the record. They think that this kind of thing will manage the information stream.

The problem for them? Excluding a huge portion of the public by turning the state's most precious governing document into a discriminatory weapon against certain taxpayers is not as easy as they think. It can't be micromanaged with green screens and chyrons. They have chosen to declare this almost exclusively faith-based fight against certain people's civil rights. They don't get to just take away our rights then say, "Back to you, Steve."

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