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Video: NOM takes European jaunt, though it's carefully considered conversation that gets vacation
With their last one mired in legal messiness, it was probably smart for NOM to move on to the next "Marriage Anti-Defamation" video:
Great Britain's Equality Act of 2006/2010 was obviously designed to protect all citizens. This includes children in the foster system. This includes children in the foster system who might be LGBT.
All who have taken a measured look at this matter have acknowledged that this case is unique, but was handled correctly. If a couple admits as part of their screening process that they will tell a gay kids that he or she is wrong, then that presents an obvious concern. This is true regardless of the reasoning behind the resistance. In this case, it doesn't matter if the rationale is religious or something else -- the government has a responsibility to look after the welfare of children in the foster care system. There is no other way.