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Video: Sprigg, Brown, and a conservative movement that's actively courting ignominious future
And now look on as a man who has pushed for both our "exportation" and criminalization...
*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]
…introduces a man who is an aggressive advocate of scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" therapy, who stands outside of local Pride parades warning revelers that "God Has a Better Way," and who recently said murdered gay teen Larry King was "more a victim of gay activism" than he was his killer." Intros that then segue into a lengthy speech about how gays are the ones threatening evangelicals Christians.
Oh, and bonus: They are doing all of this in the offices of an organization -- an SPLC-designated hate group, let me remind you -- that rubs shoulders with every single GOP presidential frontrunner. Enjoy: