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WA: Ken Hutcherson becomes even more of a liability to his own movement

by Jeremy Hooper

Earlier this week, she was the first to catch him comparing her state's governor to a presidential assassin. Now Pam's House Blend's Laurel Ramseyer has found yet another doozy from the man who's leading the anti-equality charge in Washington state, Pastor Ken Hutcherson:

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Pastor Ken Hutcherson: “The only way to make your enemy a friend is to defeat them or kill them” [PHB]

First John Wilkes Booth and now this? That sure is a lot of kill talk for this week. Especially from the "pro-life" side, here on "March of Life" week.

But it's not all that surprising, as Hutcherson (or "Hutch," as he likes to call himself) has always been from that "oh look how tough I am" school of antigay activism. It's a particularly bizarre strain of advocacy, that. And to me, it's one that always seem ten times more self-unassured than those who don't pull their cues from the schoolyard bully.

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