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WA: NOM vows to treat civil rights like popularity contest

by Jeremy Hooper

They've already vowed to oust any Republicans who vote for equality. Now this:

Olympia, WA — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today pledged to work with allies in Washington State to mount a referendum campaign to ensure that voters have the final say on the definition of marriage in Washington. Legislation, House Bill 2516 and Senate Bill 6239, has been introduced to abandon Washington's historic definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, thus imposing same-sex marriage on the state.

"NOM will not stand by and let activist politicians redefine marriage, the bedrock of civilization, without voters having a say," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Just as we mounted a People's Veto in Maine and were responsible for qualifying Proposition 8 to the ballot in California, we will make sure that voters in Washington have the ability to decide the definition of marriage for themselves."

The National Organization for Marriage Pledges Referendum Campaign if Legislature Tries to Redefine Marriage [NOM]


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