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War imagery as punditry: Love as attack, par for course
Oh look, another top politico portraying our families as dangerous meteors headed straight gayly towards peaceful society. Hit it, Maryland Senate President Mike Miller (Democrat):
"I’m a historian and I look at civilizations, I study civilizations, I read history every night. And I see it’s an attack on the family, I think it’s an attack on traditional families. That’s the way I see it."
Maryland Senate President: Same-Sex Marriage Is ‘An Attack On The Family' [ThinkProgress LGBT]
History, or his story? Because if Mr. Miller seriously looks around and sees a loving gay couple as anything even resembling an "attack," then I think it's safe to assume that his Kindle is filled less with the tales of the American journey and more with the preconceived monologues of a heterosexist mind.
But then again, I did accidentally brush up against a heterosexual mother and her child as my husband and I exited the elevator this A.M. So who knows? Perhaps among the increasingly sensitive social conservatives, who seem to now think that all straight marriages are tied together by the thinnest of threads, a mere shoulder graze is now seen as an act of war.