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All the single ladies: If you liked it then you should've put a man on it, apparently
Peter "let's export/criminalize the gays" Sprigg, one of the key voices against marriage equality in Maryland, continues his string of ridiculously obtuse Prop 8 tweets:
Obtuse and very telling, actually. Peter has no problem comparing us gay folk, regardless of our relationship status, to single straight people who have not utilized their own freedom to marry for whatever reason. On its face, that's just plain silly. But when unpacked, it tells us so much about how Peter, his employer (the Family Research Council), and generalized "pro-family" movement consider us, our families, and our rights. Basically, their regard is somewhere between nil and imperceptible (at best).
Yes, of course single people of any sexual orientation have status, dignity, and all the rest. But this Prop 8 debate is not defined by either single or married people -- it's defined by crude and wanton denial. In that cruel attempt to de-status our committed couplings, there is no dignity. Nor is there dignity in the way professional purveyors of discrimination like Peter refuse to own the anti-American hardships they cultivate for both sport and profit.