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Austin Nimocks like a kid at Xmas; sadly, it's NH rights he wants to unwrap

by Jeremy Hooper

That they continue to "culture war" against us is bad enough. But it never ceases to shock or amaze me to learn of just how excited our organized opponents get when thinking about robbing us of rights:

Screen Shot 2012-02-01 At 5.00.17 Pm"Republicans in New Hampshire have super majorities in both houses there, and the last I've heard, they have the votes to be able to repeal same-sex marriage and to undo that mistake and restore marriage and make sure that we're not promoting motherless and fatherless families" …"That's going to be exciting, so keep your eye on what's going to happen in New Hampshire."

-Alliance Defense Fund's Austin Nimocks, barely containing his excitement when speaking to AFA's Bryan Fischer

Undoing a mistake? Exciting? Mmm hmmm, right.

But you know who's probably going to be less excited in this NH scenario? The gay teen who thought things were getting better in his state but who will now be forced to remember how many of his neighbors are still actively working to make his journey into adulthood that much tougher. Or the married New Hampshire couple whose wedding album will now come with an uncomfortable addendum about how they were able to climb through a short-term window. Or the lifelong Republican who thought her party was finally moving on from this hurtful, divisive battle and onto actual ills. Or the everyday New Hampshire taxpayer who doesn't care to live in a tiered world where civil freedoms can be stifled simply because certain groups have organized their personally-held religious ideals into a political movement.

But okay, sure -- you go ahead and keep working the lie this somehow betters us, Mr. Nimocks. I'll keep working to remove the superfluous "c" in your "discrimination is exciting" bumper stickers.

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