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Bryan Fischer calls up slave imagery; that's dumb of him
You really have to wonder why someone like Bryan Fischer would Tweet a historical comparison like this one, which he made in reaction to yesterday's DOMA ruling:
I mean think about it: Even those on the conservative side of things can't possibly see the all-out banning of same-sex marriage as actually freeing any kind of people. At the best, they would be preserving the "traditional values" they hold dear. They themselves claim this. And when they do claim to be on the side of greater freedom, few buy what is so obviously and patently untrue.
So what value or mileage does Bryan, one of the most hostile anti-LGBT voices on the scene, hope to get out of such a comparison? Obviously in this imperfect comparison, gay people are the ones on less-free side of things. Again, I think even many conservatives who think gays deserve to be less free would agree that their efforts are limiting or at least stagnating freedoms -- certainly not expanding them. So through what sort of calculation is Bryan using that makes him think a Tweet like this is helping his cause? If anything, isn't he just highlighting the parallels from which his movement works to distance itself?