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Don't read any of these links showing NOM pushing 'ex-gay' therapy; they're all made-up, apparently.

by Jeremy Hooper

Remember that fallacious appearance Maggie Gallagher made on Chris Hayes' MSNBC morning show? The one where, when confronted about her and NOM's advocacy for gay "change," she flat-out lied?

Yeah, well: NOM has finally gotten around to posting that clip. And not only has the org declared Maggie the winner of the segment -- they are actually repeating the lie that those of us who mention the "ex-gay" thing are making up facts, even though we have fully documented evidence:


(via Alvin McEwen)

So okay, fine. If I have to do it again, I'll do it again.

  • Also, NOM president Brian Brown recently touted a (flawed, deeply faith-based) "ex-gay" study, saying "Even those who disagree with us about gay marriage (or Christian sexual ethics) should feel good about this this scientific verification of the possibility of free will triumphing over desire. We are all more than our instincts, sexual or otherwise" [SOURCE].

That's just some from off the top of my head. There's surely much more, especially if you consider all of the links, affiliations, and rubbed-shoulders that allow NOM to exist in the first place. In just the past year alone, NOM has officially partnered with Focus on the Family (Iowa presidential forum) and the Family Research Council (Values Bus tour). Both organizations aggressively push the "change" idea.

It's understandable why NOM, an organization that depends on seeming only focused on marriage in order to survive, would be troubled by the facts at hand. But the truth is that both Maggie and her beloved NOM have advocated for "changing" messengers like me. They don't have to shoot me for saying as much.

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