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Ken Hutcherson still likening his Gov. to assassin; still making things easier for us
Because it apparently wasn't ass-crazy enough the first time, Ken Hutcherson, the most visible face of the Washington "Stand For Marriage" movement, is back again with the ahistorical, homicidal comparison that has become his bread and butter:
Meanwhile, [Pastor Hutcherson] has a suggestion for the governor. "She needs to change her name from Governor Christian Gregoire to Governor Jean Wilkes Booth because she's trying to assassinate marriage in our state," the pastor contends. "She should be ashamed of herself, being a strong Catholic." John Wilkes Booth was the man who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln.
The word on marriage in Washington [ONN]
At the very least he could change it to Joan Hinckley, Leigh Harriet Oswald, or Charlotte J. Guiteau. If Hutcherson's going to make it wackily offensive, he could at least keep it interesting.
But hey, everybody's got the right to be different, even though at times they go to extremes:
-Assassins, Sondheim