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'Parrotting' past mistakes: MD delegate moves forward with ignoble popularity contest

by Jeremy Hooper

Even his own Facebook followers tell him that they do not want a marriage referendum:

Screen Shot 2012-02-24 At 3.51.57 Pm
[Neil Parrot]

But regardless, Maryland Del. Neil Parrott has gone forward with the plan to put his citizens' civil rights up before a public vote:

Delegate Neil Parrott said he filed draft language for a referendum petition with the state board of elections Friday, a day after the Senate joined the House in approving a bill to allow same-sex marriages.
FULL: Effort to overturn gay marriage legislation begins in Md., religious groups say they will help [AP via WaPo]

Not that we didn't expect this to happen. We always did, and we are committed to win, should or opponents find their way to the ballot

But still, Neil: Listen to your own Facebook page, buddy. I know the writing on history's wall doesn't seem to be a compelling enough reason for you to back away from this insensitive effort. But might the writing on your Facebook wall hit closer to home?

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