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Penny Nance 'shames' the 9th Circuit; also crossing her arms and stamping feet, I hear
13,402,566 valid votes were cast for Prop 8, constituting just around 40% of the state's population and only around 80% of the state's registered voters (with an additional 340,611 votes tossed out as either invalid or blank). 7,001,084 Californians went for it; 6,401,482 went against. So that means a relatively small margin of only 590,602 separated the two sides.
So if the conservatives can't respect the court's role in civil rights conversations, I at least which they'd stop acting like THE PEOPLEā¢ have cast some sort of overwhelming consensus that deserves no further examination:
"Once again, the Ninth Circuit lives up to its reputation as the most overturned court in the country. Only this time, they have reached a new low. They not only showed a complete disregard for the Constitution, but also for those principles and values that gave birth to it, and for "we the people" who are supposed to be the ultimate authority.
Californians voted overwhelmingly to support the traditional definition of marriage that has been the foundation of this great nation. Our experiences have shown us, as science proves, that the best environment for children to develop as productive members of our society is in a home where there is a mother and a father who love them and each other unconditionally. Yet with a stroke of the pen these three judges have undermined the foundations of the family and liberty.
Shame on them.
We know this issue will eventually end up at the U.S. Supreme Court and we hope, for the sake of our country's future, that they will show much more respect for the Constitution, our foundations and the people who give them the right to make these rulings in the first place."
-Penny Nance, Concerned Women For America prez
Oh come on, Penny: At least be honest! You don't want the courts to have the right to make rulings -- you want them to only write rulings that fit your personal worldview. You social conservatives created a script that has you "winning" against LGBT people in every single area, and you will say and do whatever it takes to fulfill what you see as your obligations. Well all know this anyway -- just go ahead and own it.
Fortunately courts do not work this way. And that, my dear friends, is why the judiciary is the far-right's most hated and maligned branch. It's just so obvious. And shameful, actually.