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Photos: Just another Tues afternoon in NH, fighting to strip a neighbor's rights
And now, some signs from yesterday's rally to take away marriage rights in New Hampshire.
1: An attempt to deny that homosexuality is inborn, presumably from a straight person who surely thinks his or her own orientation is simply who he or she is:
2: A claim that "gay marriage normalizes gay sex," showing the true fear of LGBT normalcy that most always underlies the "protect marriage" ruse:
3: There's this one, which addresses the issue of CIVIL marriage by pitting the state as the church's supposed "mortal enemy":
4: And of course there was the continued self-victimization whereby people who are spending their afternoons seeking to roll back the rights of their neighbors somehow manage to view themselves as the ones facing "hatred":
For those, as well as a run-in where a protestor proudly tells a passing-by lesbian that homosexuality isn't "just as good," see WMUR-TV's on hand report.