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Pro-equality Repubs commit political treason, suggests man who compared his governor to presidential assassin

by Jeremy Hooper

Rev. Ken "Gov. Gregoire is like John Wilkes Booth" Hutcherson is personally offended by the recent marriage vote in his state's Senate. Why? Well, because the four Republicans who voted their consciences on the matter personally stabbed him in the back, natch:

THE HUTCH: I'm excited. I'm excited. But you still haveā€¦ I gotta get you to pray for me, brother, like I said. We're fighting for our life up here. We had four Republicans stab me in the back up here, and they voted for same-sex marriage, bro, and we lost in the Senate. We've still got the House to go and that is just absolutely ridiculous of what's going on -- and, bro? We're gonna win.

RUSH [LIMBAUGH]: Did they lie to you?

THE HUTCH: We're gonna win, but these Republicans are never gonna be sitting again when we have our next election.

RUSH: Did they mislead you? Did they lead you to believe that they were not gonna vote the way they did?

THE HUTCH: Well, a bunch of them was going back and forth. Sitting on the fence, back and forth. Sitting on the fence, sitting on the fence, and we knew that we had one that was gonna go, which was probably gonna take 'em over, but we had three go. And if they woulda stayed we woulda won the Senate by one vote. And, people, we need you. You all need to be praying for us, if they want to keep up what I'm doing, I hope.
Ken Hutcherson, Rush Limbaugh, 2/3/12 [Rush.com]

Couple of things here. First off: When did any lawmaker start tithing to Rev. Hutcherson? Because I mean, to hear him tell it, these four Republicans owed him something, as if they work for the preacher and his faith, not the state and its constitution. Which is particularly odd, considering how reliably vicious Rev. Hutcherson is in his public engagement. I can imagine that even some conservative Republicans would be reluctant about aligning their careers with his demonstrated hostilities.

But what I really find telling is how Ken Hutcherson (I refuse to call him "Hutch") acts as if the Republicans in general have a duty to ban same-sex marriage, even as the national "protect marriage" movement continues to act as if this cause knows no partisan bounds. They can't have it both ways on this! If the "culture warriors" want to position the GOP as duty-bound to carry water for the anti-equality side of this issue and viciously threat the careers of any Republican who doesn't, then they need to start owning their partisanship and stop acting like this is a sweeping national conversation with equally-weighted political opposition!

But more than anything, I'm just thrilled that the Washington opposition movement is keeping Hutcherson in such a bright spotlight. He's about half a rhetorical land mine from handing us the easy win, that guy.


*Fun Fact: Ken Hutcherson performed Rush Limbaugh's (third) wedding ceremony. Yes, the same one at which Elton John performed.

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