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Self-appointed morality correctors to save IA from its civil self

by Jeremy Hooper

Iowa's Family Leader organization, on apparent hiatus from pro-"ex-gay" programs that compare same-sex marriages to cigarette smoking or equating bullying conferences with playing dodge ball in the street, has announced plans to join up with both the National Organization For Marriage and CatholicVote.org (whose staffs overlap, btw) for an upcoming "protect marriage" rally. Here's the insert that they, the ostensible opponents of civil (as in state) marriage, are putting into local church (as in religion) bulletins:

Screen Shot 2012-02-16 At 5.17.25 Pm

They're calling their amendment IMA? What's the last name, WASTEOFTIME?

No word on what kind of exciting theatrics we can expect from what's sure to be a new, different, and existing morning in the annals of anti-equality history. But I'm sure they can Victoria Jackson to share her fun and fresh "All the gay people could live in the gay states" anecdotes, if they try hard enough.

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