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Video: 'Ex-gay' seminar, un-closeted
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall at a particularly fringe "ex-gay" therapy workshop?
No? Not at all? Not even a little bit? You'd rather sit on a lumpy sofa in pajamas made of hair while watching episodes of ABC's recently-canceled "Work It" on endless loop while listening to Milli Vanilli's greatest hits and eating nothing but licorice-flavored rice cakes?
Well okay, that's fair enough, I supposed. But if you, in the interest of opp. research, do want a good glimpse at the "unadulterated hell" that is "change," here's Richard Cohen, Greg Quinlan, and a whole host of the dangerous and offensive fibs they and others told at a Fall 2011 conference:
[ALL VIDEOS: DougMcIn2010:YT]