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And the 1st misplaced claim of #glaadcap silencing comes from…

by Jeremy Hooper

The Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber, one of the harshest voices included in the first round of the Gay And Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation's Commentator Accountability Project, has responded to the inclusion. In six separate Tweets, he's done this:

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Which is awesome, frankly! The whole point of the project is to bring more attention to people like Matt's own, fully documented words.

The beauty party is that Matt can't back up his "silencing" claims. Nobody at GLAAD is calling on the media to shut Matt out of the debate. Everyone would like him on the air, right now, and be called out on some of this stuff that has been documented so that he can bring the often hostile truth of the "pro-family" movement to greater light. That is not "silencing": It is sunlight.

So if Matt's truly honored to be there, then we're honored to have him. Win/win, I guess.


*One more funny thing about Matt's CAP profile: One of his documented claims actually comes via the "ex-gay" Exodus International blog, which has itself had to speak out against Matt's reliably harsh engagement.

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