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AUDIO: NOM confronts Starbucks on marriage equality; gets smacked down to great applause
NOM gets SMACKED DOWN! Starbucks chairman and CEO Howard Shultz says the company's support for marriage equality "was not something that was a difficult decision for us":
Tom Strobar is President of Citizen Action now (www.citizenactionnow.com) and author of the first shareholder resolution against child pornography, religious bigotry, fetal tissue research, abortifacient drugs and domestic partner benefits. Strobhar is the author of numerous articles on pro-life and pro-family business matters, including the only pro-life shareholder resolutions to appear on corporate ballots in 1991 through 2005. Strobhar has served as chairman of Life Decisions International (www.fightpp.org) and has been a Board member of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. A graduate of Columbia University, Mr. Strobhar has the dubious distinction of being described in Pat Buchannan’s newsletter as “a one man wrecking crew.” Glamour magazine described him as “The Financier,” “a major Washington power player,” and a “financial whiz.” SOURCE: SpecialGuests.com
Strobhar was also involved in the AFA's Ford Boycott back in 2006.