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But, but, but -- gays are the mean ones, says Brian Brown, reliably (and cowardly)

by Jeremy Hooper

Almost three days later, and this is what we get:

"Let me be the first to say that the tone of the language in that document as quoted by the press is inapt. Here's something I know from the bottom of my soul: It would be enormously arrogant for anyone at NOM to believe that we can make or provoke African-American or Latino leaders do anything. The Black and Hispanic Democrats who stand up for marriage do so on principle—and get hit with a wave of vituperative attacks like nothing I have ever seen. We did not cause it, nor can we claim credit for these men and women's courage in standing up in defense of our most fundamental institution: marriage."

-NOM President Brian Brown, being a coward and not actually responding to that which is generating outrage for multiple fronts

Here's what strikes me on first read: Brian's entire attempt (read full thing here) is, in typical NOM fashion, all about flipping the script so that it seems like gays are going around bullying African-American and Latino voters if and when they don't support marriage equality. However, what we all now know about NOM is that they wanted to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" and were all about "fanning the hostility" in this fight. That is an "us versus them" fight that NOM WAS ACTIVELY WORKING TO RECRUIT! NOM, which has always been an almost exclusively white and obviously straight organization, wanted to (and in some cases did) stand on the sidelines and provoke other people into feuding all around them! That's the admission here!

But NOM's response is to pass the buck and further demonize the gays ?!? NO! It doesn't work like that! As I've said from the very beginning of this scandal: One need not even be on our side of the equality fight to be offended by what NOM tried to do here! The point that we all now know to be truth -- and one that many of us pinpointed long ago -- is that NOM has no problem ripping apart the fabric of America so that the organization can implement its highly Catholic, largely partisan motivations. They have no problem creating hostilities, and in fact SPECIFICALLY SAID THEY WANTED TO "PROVOKE THE GAY MARRIAGE BASE INTO RESPONDING BY DENOUNCING THESE SPOKESMEN AND WOMEN AS BIGOTS." They wanted multiple groups to fight, with gays the one party in said fight who never receives any defense (and in fact always received the opposite). They wanted nastiness for the sick sake of cynical political gain.

You will never hear Brian acknowledge any of that. But honestly, at this point: I'm not sure he even has to.

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