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Fischer notes employer's #glaadcap overrepresentation; confuses dubious distinction with strength

by Jeremy Hooper

6A00D8341C503453Ef0120A837E90F970B-1Bryan Fischer has moved beyond simply claiming that the GLAAD Commentator Accountability Project is out to silence him, now also tacking on the claim that this supposed "silencing" is due to GLAAD's "fear" of Fischer and his employer:

Here’s a striking thing. Of the 36 spokesman gay activists fear the most, no less than 11 have a programming presence on the American Family Radio Talk Network, which is a division of the American Family Association.

In other words, almost one-third of the folks that send shivers up the spine of gay activists promote and defend their values on AFR Talk.

This makes AFR Talk the most feared radio network in America.

The folks who give gay activists the shakes, whose programs or commentaries air on AFR Talk, are (in alphabetical order), David Barton, Michael Brown, Chuck Colson, Jim Daly, Bryan Fischer, Jim Garlow, Kevin McCullough, Tony Perkins, Frank Turek, Don Wildmon and Tim Wildmon.

Fear? Are you kidding me Bryan? Every day I wake up in fear that you won't do your show, since that would make my day of pointing out the purest form of extremism working in the anti-LGBT movement today all the more difficult!

But if it makes you feel better to think equality activists "fear" AFR Radio and its heavily-represented slate of GLAAD CAP personalities, then go right ahead. While you're positioning yourself as tough and scary through your own rhetorical self-assessments, the rest of us will merely amplify the words that you yourself have chosen to put on the record and let folks craft their own character sketches.


**Since Bryan wants more sunlight, please go visit his GLAAD CAP profile: Bryan Fischer

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