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Joseph Farah has never said anything bad about gays; he meant that terrorism comparison in a polite way

by Jeremy Hooper

Astute G-A-Y commenter Glen said this about the anti-LGBT crowd's telling response to GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project:

"What's of note here is that those who are now complaining about having their statements made readily available to media outlets that might want to have them on their programs, is that they themselves consider these statements to be damning; words from their own mouths / fingers." [SOURCE]

Spot on!

Now we get WND (formerly known as WorldNetDaily) editor Joseph Farah, a man who once wrote an entire columScreen Shot 2012-03-15 At 2.27.58 Pmn purporting to "cite similarity between homosexual activists, Hamas terrorists," not only trotting out this same, tired idea that citing a public persons's public words and record amounts to silencing, but actually having the gall to claim that he, someone who's also asked if the Obama administration hired openly LGBT people like Kevin Jennings and Chai Felblum of recruiting them from Perverts.gov or FreaksUnlimited.com, has never said anything harsh about gay people:

In response, [WND creator Joseph Farah] said he has never spoken a hateful or defamatory word about homosexuals in his life.

“The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation should more accurately be called the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Criticism,” said Farah. “These people actually believe that if you have a different viewpoint and a different value system from them you are a hate-filled, bigoted monster. Here’s a group that claims in its own name that it is ‘against defamation,’ but actively defames those with whom it has disagreements. Not one example of hateful or defamatory language is offered as evidence against any of those listed in this report.”

"Gay Hate List" [WND]

"Against Criticism," Joseph? Uhm, dear: Aren't you the one who is responding to this, a call for nothing more than heightened critical sunlight, by attacking the messenger rather than actually addressing the things you have said and done to earn a spot?!?! I'm thinking you are. And I'm thinking it's funny to watch.

Forget homophobia: It seems that OwnWordsaPhobia is this week's most apt "pro-family" affliction.

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