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MN's Campaign Finance Board, in possession of rules for a reason, to examine why some don't seem to care

by Jeremy Hooper

At this point, we need to just make a form letter. Something like: NOM is under scrutiny for [somehow acting shade with disclosure laws] during [some marriage campaign] in [some state] during [some year].

While I create such a form, go read how the Minnesota edition of this common occurrence is ramping up:

Nationalorganizationformarriage-21 NOM Exposed has learned the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Election Board is moving forward with an investigation into the campaign finance activities of Minnesota for Marriage, the umbrella group co-founded by the National Organization for Marriage. This is the primary group working to pass the anti-gay constitutional amendment in MN.
KEEP READING: BREAKING: MN Elections Board Launches Investigation into Lead Anti-Gay Coalition [NOM Exposed]

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