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NOM EXPOSED: HRC’s Solmonese: Secret Documents Are Game Changer

by Jeremy Hooper

Today is the day that the National Org. for Marriage's hurtful disregard for the richness of America's fabric will finally bite the org in the behind:

“Nothing beats hearing from the horse’s mouth exactly how callous and extremist this group really is,” said HRC President Joe Nationalorganizationformarriage-26 Solmonese. “Such brutal honesty is a game changer, and this time NOM can’t spin and twist its way out of creating an imagined rift between LGBT people and African-Americans or Hispanics.”
"These documents confirm my worst beliefs about NOM's cynical politicking,” said Jeremy Hooper, editor and publisher of Good As You and NOM Exposed partner. “It's hard to find joy in such divisive political games, but I'm certainly glad we know NOM's hurtful plans now before more folks are hurt.”
HRC’s Solmonese: Secret Documents Are Game Changer [NOM Exposed]
ICYMI: BREAKING: Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy [NOM Exposed]

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