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NOM Strategy, Exposed: Maggie's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance
Think Maggie Gallagher launched her so-called "Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance" organically, based off the growing need she saw around her? Well that's crapballs! In truth, that project was deliberately concocted almost two years before it actually launched, hoping to seek out "oppression of people's rights" by capturing "not only the facts, but the stories -- the faces, the names, the emotions of the people threatened with litigation."
**Pg 25, Exhibit 2 - NOM Depo Exhibit 12 Nat'l Strategy for Winning 12-15-09: BREAKING: Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy [NOM Exposed]
*EARLIER: NOM's deeply divisive race games: CONFIRMED, disturbingly [G-A-Y]
*EARLIER: NOM Strategy, Exposed: Actively seeking 'elites' [G-A-Y]
TRANSLATION: Maggie and Co. knew they needed to spin straightforward situations (e.g. the NY clerks matter, Jerry Buell's investigation, the rebuffed Canadian report) into emotional crises rather than wait for the facts to meet that crisis level. It's all a ruse, this NOM. And we now all know what we always suspected.