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NOM Strategy, Exposed: Please, lets get some thinkers up in here!

by Jeremy Hooper

When conservative legal scholar John Eastman was appointed as Maggie Gallagher's NOM Board Chair replacement, the common belief within our side's "culture war" circles was that NOM was hoping to up its intellectual heft. This demonstration of need from August of '09 seems to confirm that line of thinking:

Screen Shot 2012-03-27 At 9.25.08 Am

**Exhibit 3 -Nat'l Strategy for winning, 8-11-09: BREAKING: Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy [NOM Exposed]

*EARLIER: NOM's deeply divisive race games: CONFIRMED, disturbingly [G-A-Y]

*EARLIER: NOM Strategy, Exposed: Actively seeking 'elites' [G-A-Y]

*EARLIER: NOM Strategy, Exposed: Maggie's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance

*EARLIER: NOM Strategy, Exposed: Highly partisan org. 'sideswipes' first, asks questions later

NOM knows that its cause is lacking in intellectual capital. And if honest, NOM higher-ups know that this is due not to "silencing," but rather their choosing a fight that depends on spin rather than organic embrace of the real.

Most movements easily find expert witnesses, because experts in these mentioned fields either come to the organization with demonstrated capabilities or said experts demonstrated such undeniable bona fides that the organization naturally pinpoints these individuals on the strength of their arguments alone. That NOM has to work so hard to find professionals willing to go against the prevailing opinion within their fields and carry water for a movement with the sole goal of discriminating against certain kinds of human beings? Well that's interesting to witness (expertly or not).

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