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NOM's 'elect Storobin' extremism: This time with added element of deception
I've told you several times now about the eye-opening alliance that the National Organization for Marrriage has forged in the run-up to tomorrow's special election in Brooklyn, with the supposedly marriage-focused organization teaming with a group that says gays are filthy, degrading, disgusting, and in need of having their "immoral behavior" "destroyed and eliminated" so that society can be saved, and featuring one of the Rabbis who signed on dthat message, Yisroel Beslky, in its "elect David Storobin" ads. But today, that extremely anti-LGBT outreach gets downright deceptive. Try to follow along.
So we must first start at NOM blog, where this is the post:
Okay, so it's bad enough that anyone's playing this kid fear card. However, it's not the Flatbush Jewish Journal that is making this claim, like NOM says. Because see up there at the top of the cover as NOM presents it, in between NOM's text and where the image is begins? Notice that something is cut off? Yeah, well: This is what they cut:
[SOURCE: Flatbush Jewish Journal]
Yes, that's right: What NOM positions as an editorial position is actually a paid placement. Same difference, right? Wrong.
But wait, so who placed the *ad*? Well, let's turn to page twenty and have a look:
You might recognize this letter. It's the very same coalition (Hayon, Belsky, et al.) that's been working with NOM all along. The very same coalition and text that NOM is featuring on its NOM PAC NY site. This is the "Jews For Morality" coalition that NOM is featuring in its "elect Storobin" ads.
Although there is one big difference. This message, as its running in a more visible publication, is heavily edited from the original. All of that "filthy, degrading, society-destroying homos" stuff that this same coalition is pushing in the longer form of this same letter? It's all gone. Vanished. Cut for the sake of political pragmatism, no doubt.
But we all know it's there. And we all know that NOM is supporting all of it! The question now: Will voters?
*The full message:
Dont Vote for Fidler