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NOM acknowledges #glaadcap; uncaps sad truth about own support base
NOM, an organization with a whopping five people (currently) whose own words are featured on the GLAAD Commentator Accountability Projects (Robert George, Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, Jennifer Roback Morse, Christopher Plante), has posted its first acknowledgment of the the list, turning to incendiary anti-LGBT voice Michael "God Has A Better WaY" Brown for an assist. But in doing so, NOM has shown us just how much animus the organization cultivates on a daily basis. Check out the comment that immediately follows:
Now, of course every site gets a comment from time to time with which the writer or host organization does not agree. There have been a few here on G-A-Y that I don't personally support (and I always take the time to say so when the comments are pointed out to me).
But that being said, it would be negligent to ignore the frequency with which it occurs on the other side. The sad reality is that if you leave an anti-equality organization's forum open and unmoderated, these kinds of comments are much closer to the the rule than they are to the exception. Because the truth is that while one can oppose LGBT rights without being personally anti-LGBT, it's extremely difficult for an organization to take a public stand against LGBT rights without being inundated with supporters who go far beyond whatever cause the host organization might have even intended (see NOM's 7/24 NYC rally). On their side, there is a sizable contention that does, quite literally, see gay people as disordered and in need of some sort of a cure. It's the sad truth that groups like NOM work so hard to hide (which is precisely why their forums are typically moderated/closed).
Plus, with NOM now engaging in outreach with organizations that come right out and admit they see us as filthy, degrading, and capable of wrecking societies, it's becoming harder to see comments like the above as something the organization even wants to deny.