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Today in NC: @Vote4MarriageNC rallies the 'gay men lodge cellphones in their anuses' vote

by Jeremy Hooper

Patrick Wooden is most known for this:

[SOURCE: RightWingWatch]

Oh, and there's also this:

[SOURCE: RightWingWatch]

"Spinx"-ter? Yeah? That's the pronunciation you're going with?

Anyway: This same Patrick Wooden is the senior pastor at North Raleigh's Upper Room Church of God. This would be the very same Upper Room Church of God that the supposedly marriage-focused (as opposed to animus-focused) Vote For Marriage NC campaign will today turn into a tour stop:

Screen Shot 2012-03-08 At 10.15.58 Am Screen Shot 2012-03-08 At 10.30.19 Am

As I always say: PUT IT IN YOUR ADS! If you have the fortitude to rally with such extremism, then have enough spine to show your hand to the public at large. Stop with the "it's just about protecting marriage" crap. Ron Baity proves otherwise. Mark Creech proves otherwise. Patrick Wooden proves otherwise. All three are working overtime to ban marriage in North Carolina. Let's put it out there and let the public see what's really going on!!

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