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When your boycott is outpaced by 435,000+ votes, hubris is prob. not in order
Over on the uber-hostile LifeSite News site, the National Organization For Marriage's Thomas Peters is saying this:
NOM Cultural Director Thomas Peters told LifeSiteNews.com that the [Starbucks] boycott is only in its first stage. “People don’t want their coffee company taking sides in a culture war,” said Peters. [LSN]
But might I remind Thomas, that this is how his boycott currently looks, even after a week of major headlines on both objective and friendly "pro-family" forums...
…and this is how the counter-effort looks, despite not receiving even a fraction of the international press that the "Dump Starbuck" campaign has:
So what exactly is that threatened next stage, Thomas: making Caramel Macchiatos taste even more delicious than they already do?!