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Video: Candi Cushman vs. Gaga, Hutcherson, gays who won't 'change'
Lady Gaga and actor Josh Hutcherson are using their public profiles to help increase awareness of the long-damaging problem of targeted, LGBT bullying. It's a problem that is undeniable to most anyone who has attended a public school in this country, and one with a solution that requires no "agenda" greater than the basic protection and well-being of demonstrably vulnerable human beings.
But to hear Focus on the Family's Candi Cushman tell it, the efforts are somehow antithetical to the welfare of Christian students:
As I've told you time and time again, the Day Of Dialogue -- which used to be a specifically "ex-gay" effort when it was under the auspices of the Alliance Defense Fund and Exodus International -- is still a "gays can and should 'change'" effort. That, the scientifically-repudiated idea of "change," is the culmination of all their supposed "dialogue." And they don't even try all that hard to hide it:
And yet despite this offensive and junk-science-laden agenda, two entertainers who are simply trying to use the capital afforded to them by fame to make life a little less contentious for targeted LGBT students are somehow the out-of-line activists in this public school "Dialogue"? Riiiiight, Candi. And next you'll tell us that school lunches are historically gourmet, gym class rope-climbing is the highlight of all slender-built kids' educational careers, a zit on prom night is every teen's dream, and down is actually up regardless of what the science teachers may say about gravity.
*Oh, and by the way: Day of Dialogue is also politically activist in other ways. The Facebook page has all kinds of postings on issues like marriage:
Oh, and sticking with Facebook: The site moderators have made it clear on several occasions just how much of a lie their fair "dialogue" commitment really is: