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Video games change kids; which is why, if you'll excuse me, I must go street fight Chun-Li
David Caton of the Florida Family Associated is very worried that inclusive content in a Star Wars video game is going to warp the port little minds of America's children:
"We're very, very obviously concerned about adding homosexual content to video games to a captured audience of hundreds of thousands of children who otherwise would not ever see this type of material," he laments. [ONN]
And I'll have to admit, I think he has a point here. I mean, when am I, a child of the '80s and '90s, not going around hitting my head on bricks in hopes that a magic flower pops out, chomping dots in hopes that I can finally -- FINALLY! -- eat a few ghosts, jumping over barrels so that I can finally thwart my aggressive gorilla nemesis, fancying myself a God-like mayor whose can both build and eviscerated simulated cities with a single mouse click, throwing turtle shells at my fellow drivers so that I can beat them to the finish line, or saving the world's princesses from the various perils they've found themselves in? Clearly, kids are influenced by the digital screen!
Although Mr. Caton is wrong about it just being video games. Have you even see an episode of "Glee," dude? We're there, we're queer -- kids are used to it.