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Video: What Bob's been Vander-plotting
Today in Des Moines, Bob Vander Plaats, Brian Brown, and representatives from CatholicVote.org (Where NOM's own Thomas Peters also writes) will gather to push the Iowa legislature to pass a ban on the currently legal same-sex marriages that have blessed the state. In anticipation of that, our pals at ThinkProgress bring you this:
VIDEO: The Best Of Bob Vander Plaats’ Worst Moments [ThinkProgress]
*Unpacking that "second-hands effect a little more, here's a video I made at the start of 2011. It's amazing how much of this stuff remains active to this day:
*Try the url upconvert for yourself: http://web.me.com/thefamilyleader/
*The Family Leader's old site, hosted on the same server: http://web.me.com/thefamilyleader/Capturing_the_Momentum/
*Download the "Second Hand Effects" packet