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Video: What Bob's been Vander-plotting

by Jeremy Hooper

Today in Des Moines, Bob Vander Plaats, Brian Brown, and representatives from CatholicVote.org (Where NOM's own Thomas Peters also writes) will gather to push the Iowa legislature to pass a ban on the currently legal same-sex marriages that have blessed the state. In anticipation of that, our pals at ThinkProgress bring you this:

VIDEO: The Best Of Bob Vander Plaats’ Worst Moments [ThinkProgress]


*Unpacking that "second-hands effect a little more, here's a video I made at the start of 2011. It's amazing how much of this stuff remains active to this day:

*Try the url upconvert for yourself: http://web.me.com/thefamilyleader/

*The Family Leader's old site, hosted on the same server: http://web.me.com/thefamilyleader/Capturing_the_Momentum/

*Download the "Second Hand Effects" packet

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