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Vote For [Church/State] Marriage NC (@vote4marriagenc)

by Jeremy Hooper

Jason Phibbs is listed as a county coordinator with the Vote For Marriage NC campaign. Like so many involved with this campaign, he continues to prove how little its proponents care about the civil marriage licensing rights at the crux of this debate, with Mr. Phibbs instead pushing personal theology as the reason to stand against "government's endorsement of a lifestyle":

We know by God’s Word, His creation, and His Son that marriage is between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:18-24, Matt. 19:4-6). In addition, we know this holy institution was established not only for the well being of the family but, when carried out biblically, as the very picture of Christ and His church (Eph. 5:22-32). Therefore, when we stand for marriage, we are standing for the gospel.

So, do not be deceived by red-herring arguments or personal interest stories. Living with whom you choose is a right, but receiving the government’s endorsement of a lifestyle is not.
Take a stand for marriage [Letter to the Editor: Stanly News and Press]

Phibbs goes on to instruct readers to ask their preachers to give a sermon about the vote a week before election day and to ask their churches to hold a Q&A on a topic. Meanwhile, fair-minded North Carolinians ask themselves when their great state became a theocracy.


*And of course the campaign loves his letter:

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