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You didn't hear it from me, but...: Focus staffer says #GLAADcap is gossipy
Esther Fleece, Focus on the Family's young director of millennial outreach, has tweeted the following:
So since Esther is apparently more into facts that she is gossip, let's look at some of the GLAAD CAP facts as they apply to her own organization.
- There's Esther's president, Jim Daly, whose GLAAD CAP profile quotes the times the supposedly newer, softer, non-Dobson-like org. leader positioned marriage equality as a threat to civilization, the time he said that those who "find themselves in homosexuality" will bring forth the "judgement of God" (there's audio on that one), and the time he used a Lady Gaga song to tell gays that they are "not hopelessly trapped" and can "be set free" from homosexuality. [JIm Daly -- CAP]
- There's Esther's colleague Glenn Stanton, whose GLAAD CAP profile notes his claim that homosexuality is "a particularly evil lie of Satan," as well as notes the time the American Anthropological Association wrote a letter smacking down his "“deliberate misrepresentation of the anthropological community.” [Glenn Stanton -- CAP]
- There's Focus on the Family's Candi Cushman, whose GLAAD CAP profile accurately notes that her "Day of Dialogue" and "True Tolerance" programs always -- ALWAYS! -- culminate in scientifically-disreputable "ex-gay" therapy [Candi Cushman -- CAP]
And there will surely be more Focus on the Family staffers in the days to come. And none of it will be gossip, unless we have somehow all moved to some bizarro world where the horse's mouth is either a tabloid reporter or a "Mean Girls" character.
*Interesting side note about Focus on the Family: When searching for content, it was interesting for those working on the project to note how much Focus stuff has been scrubbed. And I don't mean old stuff, either. Posts made as recently as 2011 (including Daly's Gaga/"gays can change" post) were deleted from Focus' properties, as if they'd never existed. More than with any other org, this was the case.