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Author retracts world's most famous 'ex-gay' study; truth wins out again

by Jeremy Hooper

Keeping with the craziness that is this morning, Robert Spitzer, the man who has been spending a good part of the past decade saying "No, that's not what I found" to the many "pro-family" tips who have chosen to misrepresent his "ex-gay" study, has officially *RETRACTED* the whole thing:

Robert Spitzer Retracts 2001 Ex-gay Study [Warren Throckmorton]
MORE: Breaking News: TWO Applauds Dr. Robert Spitzer For Renouncing Infamous ‘Ex-Gay’ Study [Truth Wins Out]

So now, any professional "ex-gay" who continues to use said study will not just be spinning the supposed findings to fit the agenda—he or she will be citing a body of work that the man behind it himself no longer supports. That's huge, considering the persistence with which the other side has relied on Spitzer's work.


*You know someone who relies on the Spitzer study? Candi Cushman, whose pro-"ex-gay" Day Of Dialogue event will happen next week.

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