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Brian Brown says NOM fighting for God's marriage creation; I expect him to relinquish his state marriage certificate by day's end

by Jeremy Hooper

Brian Brown, writing in NOM's weekly newsletter:

"Each of us has the right to live as we choose, but none of us has the right to redefine marriage, which was created by God not government." [NOM]

Talking about this civil marriage debate on the basis of personal Judeo-Christian opinion about God's creation is like talking about the civil driver's license in terms of certain religious objections to driving on the Sabbath. Or like talking about government safety regulations pertaining to pork by referring to the parameters of kosher dietary laws. Or like looking at the issue of gun control only through the lens of Buddhist nonviolence. And so on and so forth.

The "God created marriage" card that folks like Brian use is quite offensive to those of us who are trying to have this adult conversation about a civil marriage system that is already detached from (even if often attached to) the ancillary religious component. But more than that? The aggressively religious overreach is also dangerous to the general welfare of our non-theocratic nation!

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