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Co-head of campaign to oppose marriage equality in Maine: 'Homosexuals have absolutely nothing good to contribute to family life'

by Jeremy Hooper

Last week, I gave you a taste of Mike Heath, the extreme figure hoping to stop marriage equality in Maine this year.201204021613 Now meet Paul Madore, the other named partner in the "No Special Rights PAC" effort:

"It's time to get serious with society on the issue of homosexuality and the practical effects that are very harmful to society that this distorted and perverted lifestyle will have. It's time to take the gloves off," said Paul Madore. "Good people just keep moving the line back regarding homosexuality. But not anymore."

Madore continued, "Maine people are coming together to say 'enough is enough'. Marriage does not belong to homosexuals. It never has and it never will. Even if people get tired of saying no, and end up caving on the issue."

"On that note," said Madore, "The only reason why the number of supporters for same sex 'marriage' may be increasing is because people are sick and tired. Homosexuals have made people sick and tired. Homosexuals have absolutely nothing good to contribute to family life, which is what marriage is all about. A sterile union (between same sex couples) is never in need of marriage, and has nothing good to contribute to marriage or family life - absolutely nothing."

FULL Campaign Press Release [Mike Heath/No Special Rights PAC]

Back in 2009, the purposely "moderate" campaign (read: Heath and Madore were pointedly excluded) used a "Stand For Marriage Maine" label. Call me overconfident if you will, but I very much like our chances against a "Stand Against this Distorted and Perverted Lifestyle" campaign. In fact, if Mike Heath and Paul Madore end up seizing the prominent role that they are so fully hoping to seize, then I'd argue that this won't only be a boon to equality activists in Maine, but in every other state where we're on the ballot too.

It's an interesting truth about the far-right anti-equality movement: when Schubert Flint Public Affairs' pragmatic mask drops, some very interesting motivations start to come to light.

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