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Does Vote For Marriage NC's Leonard Goenaga agree that gays are 'wrong, deviant, hurtful, ugly, and sick'? 'Yeah'

by Jeremy Hooper

I've already let you hear Vote For Marriage NC campaign head Tami Fitzgerald lend her tacit approval to talk radio host Steve Noble's idea that not voting for Amendment One makes a person a "sinner." Now listen to Vote For Marriage NC Grassroots Director Leonard Goenaga lend his own "yeah" to this same Steve Noble's crude diatribe against "wrong, deviant, hurtful, ugly, and sick" gays:

SOURCE: Gay Day on C2A! [Called 2 Action]

And the most hostile state marriage campaign in American history continues to roll on.


*MORE: This is how Noble -- who has not only hosted Fitzgerald and Goenaga multiple times but also routinely chats up Vote For Marriage NC's Patrick Wooden -- described gays in a recent conversation with Peter LaBarbera:


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