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HRC, Freedom To Marry to Catholic Church: Feed the hungry, not NOM's coffers!
The heavily Catholic National Organization for Marriage has certainly enjoyed a cozy relationship with that church's hierarchy. Today, the Human Rights Campaign and Freedom to Marry are telling the Church and its top American voice to breakup with the divisive political organization:
Have you ever wondered why hospitals, soup kitchens, and even parish churches are being closed for lack of funds while the Catholic Church hierarchy and affiliated organizations like the Knights of Columbus are funneling millions of dollars into the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage? We have. We know Catholics are fair-minded people. Today HRC President Joe Solmonese and Freedom to Marry President Evan Wolfson sent a letter to Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, asking him to end support of NOM.
KEEP READING: HRC & Freedom to Marry to Cardinal Dolan: End Support of NOM [HRC]
Of course if the NOM crowd did lose Catholic Church support, they could always turn to the nation's learned bodies of constitutional law, science, psychology, business, and civil rights to support them instead. Oh wait a minuteāNO, they absolutely could not!
*The letter:
HRC Freedom to Marry Letter to Cardinal Dolan