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In #Amendment1 support speech, Frank Turek says gays 'trying to do the work of the enemy'; pushes outrageous lie that all lesbians were sexually abused

by Jeremy Hooper

This comes from the same Vote For Marriage NC strategy meeting where campaign head Tami Fitzgerald said the pro-equality side wants to "destroy all NC families":

(from a strategy speech delivered at a 2012 Concerned Women For America conference)

Gays aren't enemy, they're just employed by him or her? Evangelicals are more often in the wrong, but only because they aren't doing enough to help the "hurting" 'mos? Lesbians are lesbians because they were sexually violated?

I'm seriously beginning to question where the Vote For Marriage NC coalition really is a campaign effort, or is instead a band of mock trial lawyers trying to secretly feed us the arguments that we will use against them when it comes time to overturn the state's marriage ban in a court of law!

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