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MN For Marriage makes odd choice to publicly post strategy call; so listen
Check out Jim Garlow's GLAAD CAP profile, I learn some interesting things about how he sees gay people and our marriages:
-Said that “Satan” is behind extending the freedom to marry to gay and lesbian couples: “So if I were Satan, if I were the Devil, I'd want to destroy the imagery of male and female coming together with light and joy, covenantal marriage on Earth.” (0:45-0:60)
- Called on Christians to rise up against America in the way that they did during the Revolutionary War: “They would pick up a musket and ask: 'Who's going to go fight with me?' And so the revolutionary armies during that time came from pastors leading the churches. It's known as the Blacked-Robed Regiment. And we need a black-robed regiment today. We need pastors who are willing to stand up. And we need persons who are in the pews to stand up with them -- a black-robed regiment of laypersons -- who's going to take a like stand."
-Compared children losing their parents on 9/11 to children with gay parents: "Our President gave a speech a few days ago in which he said, ‘the tragedy of 9/11 was that it robbed so many children of having a mommy or a daddy.' Well, you know something Mr. President, your failure to defend marriage and to redefine marriage means that everybody who is under that redefined marriage will lack either a mommy or a daddy and that is morally wrong.”
- Said President Obama should apologize for supporting open service: (writing in voice of the President) "I have helped to demoralize the military that defends us. I ran roughshod over 59% of the US Marines when I forced my social experimentation upon them, coercing them to accept lifestyles as normative, with no thought of troop readiness and cohesion. I was drawn in to the errors, lies and sins of political correctness, at the expense of truth. I am ashamed of this. I am sorry. I ask for forgiveness."
- Compares marriage equality to slavery: "Isn't it interesting that the African Americans that were brought here against their will, coercively, in bondage and chains in a horrific experience called slavery...they end up being, in state by state, in many cases, what has saved us from the bondage and enslavement that would come upon us if gay marriage actually passed in a state, California being a prime example where the African Americans saved us from the bondage we would've faced." (10:00 in 2nd clip)
FULL: Jim Garlow [GLAAD CAP]
So why shouldn't the Minnesota For Marriage campaign recruit this same Jim Garlow for a strategy phone call? Listen in as Garlow warns Minnesota For Marriage supporters that "we have very limited span of time left" to "those who are against righteousness and truth":