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NOM seems to be venturing into libelous woods
It's one thing to form opinions based on supposition. But when a writer start writing things like this, he or she is flirting with libel:
"Implicated" implies that some sort of evidence has been proffered linking the mentioned person (in this case, Joe Solmonese) with a particular claim (in this case, NOM's ridiculous and unsupported assertion that HRC "stole" the organization's tax info). Brian Brown has proffered no evidence that allows him to make such a claim, regardless of his transparent desires to (a) turn this into a "scandal" to take heat off of the genuine scandal that has plagued NOM over the past month; and (b) connect this to the President's re-election campaign in order to fulfill NOM's stated plan to "Sideswipe Obama."
Joe Solmonese has been "implicated" in nothing. Saying he has, a statement of fact, is undeniably unethical. But it's also borderline defamation.