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AFA back to attacking 'deviant and unhealthy' DeGeneres
The American Family Association's Monica Cole (of AFA's so-called One Million Moms) is claiming, without a scintilla of proof, that Ellen DeGeneres is destroying J.C. Penney's bottom line:
"Sales have plummeted since J.C. Penney showed their new, bold marketing strategy, including pushing a lesbian spokesperson and same-sex couples in their advertising," Cole says, referring to the retailer's announcement earlier this year that openly homosexual entertainer Ellen DeGeneres will be their advertising spokesperson.
"If they would stop pushing a deviant and unhealthy lifestyle and focus on product quality and value along with excellent customer service, their bottom line would not be suffering," Cole advises.
Activist: Media mum on one reason for J.C. Penney's losses [ONN]
Actually, Monica, Ellen is a rich, vibrant, happily married vegan who looks as healthy as she ever has at any point in her career. And to be such a deviant, she
sure does a lot of charitable things for a lot of people in need. So I don't know, Mon—if you see a need to go the whole "gays are gross and terrible" route, you might want to pick a better target than an extremely wealthy, uber-popular superstar whose accolades and longevity say far more about her legacy than an AFA press release ever could. Just a thought.
Not to mention, we're talking about someone who has nabbed numerous endorsements over the past decade, all of which have been successes by every measure. Unlike, say, the AFA, an organization whose most notable 21st century branding came via the highly respected Southern Poverty Law Center when that civil rights outfit bumped the decades-old outfit up to official "hate group" status.