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Are we not citizens? Are we not taxpayers? Are our families not deserving of focus?
Focus on the Family's Bruce Hausknecht, in reference to today's historic ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act (so-called):
“This is simply another round in the legal wranglings over the definition of marriage in this country, and marriage supporters can take heart that the battle goes forward. We are optimistic that the Supreme Court will reject the First Circuit’s adventure in legal gymnastics and uphold the interest of citizens and taxpayers in the vast majority of the United States who neither support the redefinition of marriage nor look forward to subsidizing same-sex unions with taxpayer dollars.” [Focus on the Family]
But it's of course completely fine for the gay citizens and taxpayers who have to subsidized opposite-sex unions. Right, Bruce? It's your heterosexist world, the rest of us just get to shower you with wedding gifts within it?