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Audio: Maryland pastors take on Satan's tactics (a.k.a. increased peace of mind for gay families)
Harry Jackson admits that his coalition doesn't have the support of basically anyone in a place of power, authority, or legal scholarship. However, this marriage alliance does have the audacity to accuse gays of following "the tactic that Satan has employed" to "destroy the foundational blocks of the family" (7:00 mark) as well as the belief that personal theology should guide our shared civil policy, which Jackson and company are hoping will successfully stop marriage equality in Maryland:
This meeting was entitled the "Draw a Line in the Sand Summit." I can't help but think how much more they would've accomplished if they'd actually found a beach and drawn a literal line. At least then they could've played a makeshift game of beach volleyball or something. As it stands, all they did was further remind millions of gays and allies of the crude, divisive bully club that has come to define American evangelism.